Author Archives: Baytown

Baytown Beers Launch Offer

Beer delivery is due by the 28 February so pre-order by 21st Feb and get a 10% discount. Use the coupon code ‘launchoffer’ where indicated in the store checkout. Discount is only valid for beer purchases!


Baytown was the 18th century locals’ name for Robin Hood’s Bay. Times were tough but so were the people. It is reputed that a couple of years ago, a resident was refurbishing the cellar of his 375 year old family home when a wall gave way to expose a hidden tunnel. Read More

Welcome to Baytown

We’re here to help you celebrate Robin Hood’s Bay – the place and the people and its smuggling heritage. Hidden next to the North Sea, on the edge of the North York Moors, Robin Hood’s Bay has almost 1000 years of rich heritage.  Its people are famous through the centuries for their resilience, independence and […]