
If you want to contact Baytown then please call or text 07752 745273 or call  01947 880202 (9am-5pm).

If there’s no answer please leave a message.

Otherwise send an email to

Baytown Stores
Station Road
Robin Hoods Bay
YO22 4RA

The Baytown team

Baytown Beer is owned and run by Trevor & Louise Parker.

Having run Baytown Stores & Post Office in beautiful Robin Hoods Bay, when Baytown Beers came up for sale they jumped at the chance to supply another local quality product in and around the local area.

Keep in touch with Baytown

Smuggler George aims to keep our customers and friends up to date about news from Baytown on a regular basis. If you would like him to keep in touch with you then why not follow him on Twitter or sign up to the Baytown Facebook page